Workers’ Compensation can be vital to those who have suffered injuries in the workplace. It can cover expenses in connection with medical care, a portion of your lost wages while you spend time recovering, and the costs of ongoing medical treatment…
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If you have suffered a workplace injury, the first question you might have is whether you need to hire a lawyer. You may also be wondering what a Workers’ Compensation lawyer does, and if they can help you with achieving a better outcome to your ca…
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Many people choose to stay in Airbnb rentals when they go on vacation. Airbnb is an online platform that allows people to rent out their homes to parties who seek accommodation in a specific location. However, Airbnb does not own the properties that…
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If you have lost a loved one due to injuries sustained in a work-related accident, the grief and emotional pain you are feeling can be unbearable. Although no amount of compensation can bring your loved one back, it is important to understand that yo…
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Many people assume that if they suffer injuries in a car accident, their health insurance will cover their medical bills. Although this is not incorrect, it is important to understand that there is a specific order when it comes to the coverages that…
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No matter how carefully you operate your vehicle, accidents can arise unexpectedly due to another driver’s negligence, carelessness, or recklessness. While car insurance may cover medical bills and other expenses incurred in connection with any inj…
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A workplace injury can result in significant financial loss. Fortunately, Workers’ Compensation benefits may relieve some of the economic burden you are facing by covering your medical treatment and lost wages. If your workers’ comp claim is deni…
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Workers’ Compensation is required for all businesses in Washington State that have one or more employees. Commonly referred to as “Workers’ Comp,” or “L&I” benefits, this insurance provides compensation for benefits like medical bills…
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Nothing is harder than losing a family member — especially if their death was caused by the wrongful actions of another. If another individual or entity is responsible for the passing of your loved one, you may be entitled to hold them accountable…
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The significant shift to remote work during the Covid-19 pandemic produced a permanent increase in the number of remote workers in Washington State. A resulting legal issue concerns L&I (workers’ compensation) coverage of on-the-job injuries an…
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If you’re injured at work or in some other accident caused by someone else, getting a lawyer may be the only way you can recover the full compensation that the law provides for you.
Secured lifetime total permanent disability benefits (pension) for a 36-year-old Spanish speaking drywall taper who suffered a construction site accident.
Obtained lifetime total permanent disability benefits (pension) obtained for a 42-year-old pipe layer who suffered low back injury requiring multiple back surgeries.
Obtained all available policy limits from insurance for at-fault driver and client’s own underinsured policy for a 46-year-old retail worker who was struck by a vehicle while walking through a parking lot.
Won an allowed workers’ compensation claim for a 66-year-old fire lieutenant who suffered from liver cancer after the Department of Labor and Industries rejected the claim, arguing the condition was not one that could be allowed under the Industrial Insurance Act.
Received a widow’s pension and 6 years of unpaid benefits for a client who was living in Mexico when her husband died while living separately in Texas.
Won lifetime total permanent disability benefits (pension) for a 39-year-old construction worker who suffered a low back injury as an occupational disease, after the claim was rejected.
Obtained lifetime total permanent disability benefits (pension) for a Spanish-speaking 51-year-old farm worker who suffered a left foot and ankle injury.
Secured lifetime total permanent disability benefits (pension) obtained for a Spanish-speaking 52-year-old fast-food worker who injured back while lifting boxes.
Seven figure settlement for motorcyclist struck by vehicle resulting in multiple surgeries.
High six figure settlement and widower pension for fatal rear-end accident involving a semi-truck.
High six figure settlement for individual who was struck while driving when defendant failed to stop at a stop-sign, resulting in back surgery.
Six figure settlement for 60 year old woman who slipped on water which caused her to fall near cash registers at a national retail chain.
Six figure settlement for surviving spouse of former law enforcement officer involved in a fatal motorcycle accident.